HI JAMMERS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi everyone! I’m Cookie! I’m over the moon to be posting for this blog! I’ve been playing AJ for about a year now. My username is cookiegaming106! Don’t be afraid to Jam-a-gram me or come to my den and say Hi! My main animal is my Artic Wolf (and spinnyboi!!!!!! #spinnyboizlifeon) Here is just some more stuff about me!

Name: Syd

Youtube: Cookie Gaming Girl AJ

Rarest Item: Blackout spike and flower crowns

Person I am at school: Person that cant stop talking about musicals and 3rd wheel of that group everyone loves and wants to be friends with.

Fav song: Hamilton is the BEST musical and all the songs are good so NEVER and I mean NEVER ask me what my fav Hamilton song is. JK but it is really hard to pick. My friend daylite knows how hard it is to pick a favorite Hamilton song.

Speaking of daylite, she is my best friend and we are almost like sisters. She started blogging before me and she have me the idea to start my own blog!

This is getting REALLY long but when I get exited I start talking a lot.


BTW: I'm new to this so I couldn't find a way to download my photo so just imagine you see a logo with a ton of animals on it and says COOKIE GAMING


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